Opposing clock hands

I was recently sitting in a poorly produced play called That Hopey Changey Thing when, looking wistfully at my watch, I noticed that the hour hand and the minute hand were perfectly lined up, pointing in opposite directions. I stayed awake for the rest of the show in part thanks to the thought puzzle of how many times a day this happens, and how best to determine exactly when.

Here’s an answer using Mathematica.

First, I found it useful to think of time in terms of a unit clock cycle — the hands on our theoretical clock run from 0 to 1, rather than to 12. The following Manipulate[] command draws a clock, allowing the user to set the unit time, and translating it into both conventional time and the angle of the minute and hour hands.

In[]:= Manipulate[ Graphics[{{Opacity[0], Disk[{0, 0}, .9]}, {Opacity[.8], Thickness[.02], Line[{{0, 0}, .65 {Sin[2 Pi m], Cos[2 Pi m]}}]}, Line[{{0, 0}, .85 {Sin[12*2 Pi m], Cos[12*2 Pi m]}}]}, PlotLabel -> ToString[Floor[Mod[11 + m*12, 12] + 1]] <> " hours, " <> ToString[360.*m] <> "\[Degree]\n" <> ToString[Floor[Mod[m, 1/12]*720]] <> " minutes, " <> ToString[4320 Mod[m, 1/12]] <> "\[Degree]"], {{m, 0, "time of day"}, 0, 1}]

The code when running looks like
manipulate[] clock
This was useful when debugging the formulae for the conversions; any error was immediately apparent.

Breaking out the conversions explicitly, we have

In[]:= unitTimeToListTime[unitTime_Real] := Module[{hour, minute, seconds}, hour = Floor[Mod[11 + unitTime*12, 12] + 1]; minute = Floor[Mod[unitTime, 1/12]*720]; seconds = Mod[unitTime, 1/720]*60*720; {hour, minute, seconds} ]
In[]:= unitTimeToMinuteAngle[unitTime_Real] := 4320 Mod[unitTime, 1/12]


In[]:= unitTimeToHourAngle[unitTime_Real] := unitTime*360 // N

These in hand, I naively thought the problem was as good as solved. I defined my problem in functional form,

In[]:= unstraightness[unitTime_] := Abs[Abs[unitTimeToMinuteAngle[unitTime] - unitTimeToHourAngle[unitTime]] - 180]

checked it with

Plot[unstraightness[unitTime], {unitTime, 0, .999999}]

and we see as expected a periodic function. There are 11 solutions when “unstraightness” == 0 per day, which makes perfectly good sense when you think about it.

I thought I could determine these with NSolve[unstraightness[unitTime] == 0, unitTime]

but sadly, this yields nothing but error messages.
NSolve::nsmet: This system cannot be solved with the methods available to NSolve. >>

What to do? I decided on brute force. Slice the day into 1,000,000 pieces and identify the 11 times which produce the most opposed clock hands.

In[]:= handangle = Table[{unitTime, Abs[unitTimeToMinuteAngle[unitTime] - unitTimeToHourAngle[unitTime]]}, {unitTime, 0, .999999, .000001}];

In[]:= closeFits = Select[handangle, Abs[#[[2]] - 180] < .002 &];

In[]:= TableForm[
Map[{#, ToString[unitTimeToListTime[#]], unitTimeToHourAngle[#],
unitTimeToMinuteAngle[#]} &, Transpose[closeFits][[1]]],
TableHeadings -> {None, {"unit time", "clock time", "hour angle",
"minute angle"}}]


As looked to be the case from the graph, these solutions are clearly spaced exactly 1/11 of the clock apart from each other. This means that we can get a more perfect solution more quickly with

In[]:= Table[ToString[unitTimeToListTime[i // N][[1]]] <> ":" <> ToString[unitTimeToListTime[i // N][[2]]] <> ":" <> ToString[unitTimeToListTime[i // N][[3]]], {i, 1/22, .9999, 1/11}] // TableForm

which returns


Clearly, my bored glance at my watch had been at 8:10:54 pm.

One of the nice things about this solution method is that it easily generalizes to solve other “clock face” problems. For example, in a second we can determine that the hands of a clock are perfectly lined up, facing the same direction, at the following times:

One thought on “Opposing clock hands

  1. Pingback: clock hands, part ii | monkeywrench

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