Historical global Big Mac prices

Somewhere in the world a hedge fund manager has bought a Ferrarri with trading profits made possible by the following data:

indices = {"BIGMUS", "BIGMBZ", "BIGMMX"};
data = Map[
msBBGhistory[# <> " Index", "Px_Last", {1997, 1, 1}, "",
"Monthly"] &, indices];
DateListPlot[data, PlotStyle -> {Red, Blue, Purple},
PlotRange -> {1.1, 6.4}, Frame -> {True, True, False, False},
PlotLabel -> "Global Big Mac Prices (USD)",
Epilog -> {(Text[Style["U.S.", FontFamily -> "Calibri", FontSize -> 10, Red], {{2012, 1, 10}, 3.8(*vertical position*)}]), (Text[Style["Brazil", FontFamily -> "Calibri", FontSize -> 10, Blue], {{2011, 11, 1}, 4.9(*vertical position*)}]), (Text[Style["Mexico", FontFamily -> "Calibri", FontSize -> 10, Purple], {{2012, 1, 10}, 2.4(*vertical position*)}])}, ImageSize -> Large]

Historical big mac prices, U.S., Mexico and Brazil

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