Critical Mass
October 2004

Halloween always brings out a festive crowd, and the courts had decided in favor of the ride twice the day before, ruling that the police could neither confiscate bikes arbitrarily nor require a permit for the event. Add to that the political statement that many wanted to make on the eve of the 2004 election, and a good show was guaranteed. I estimate that 1200 attended.

The police turned out in force too, intimidating some riders, but the night went smoothly. Apparently a few were arrested but I didn't see it happen. Most had fun, including the officers riding alongside. "What's not to like?" one asked me, "I get overtime for this."

Click on the thumbnails to see the pictures in larger size

biking robot
biking robot
<<photo removed because lots of random people were linking to it and using up bandwidth.>>
skeletons ready to ride
skeletons ready to ride
crowds watch the departure
crowds watch the departure
riding with flowers and chains
riding with flowers and chains
horse & jockey
horse & jockey
New York guy
New York guy
don't ask
don't ask
tall bike
tall bike
going around Grand Central
going around Grand Central

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