New release of the Bloomberg-to-Mathematica link

Those who use Bloomberg and Mathematica should find this useful. This interface allows the direct loading of Bloomberg data (historical prices, bulk data like dividends, current data like stock prices, etc.) into Mathematica. I’ve made the interface freely available since 2008, but this release represents the largest changes in over six years. Most importantly, it can now handle bulk data like current holders of a security and historical dividends, and it’s much more robust about errors.

Historically I’ve thrown source code in the .zip file with the binaries but starting with this release, the source code and the binaries will be in separate GitHub repositories. See for everything. If you just want to install the links, check out in particular.

histLink = msBBGgetHistoryMakeLinkObject[];

x1 = msBBGgetHistory["IBM US Equity", "Px_Last", {2014, 1, 1}, "",
"Day", "use DPDF" -> False, LinkObject -> histLink];
x2 = msBBGgetHistory["IBM US Equity", "Px_Last", {2014, 1, 1}, "",
"Day", "use DPDF" -> True, LinkObject -> histLink];
DateListPlot[{x1, x2}, PlotStyle -> {Orange, Purple},
PlotLabel -> "IBM Stock Price via the new interface",
ImageSize -> Large,
Epilog -> {(Text[
Style["not dividend-adjusted", FontFamily -> "Times New Roman",
FontSize -> 10, Orange], {{2015, 1, 22}, 169}]),
(Text[Style["dividend-adjusted", FontFamily -> "Times New Roman",
FontSize -> 10, Purple], {{2015, 1, 22}, 140}])

demo of the new interface